Members of the TWG for Motorcycle Taxis ask Congress and Senate for help.
Some members of the Technical Working Group that was assembled to help to be able to find the answers to the questions about the safety at efficacy of motorcycle taxis…
Some members of the Technical Working Group that was assembled to help to be able to find the answers to the questions about the safety at efficacy of motorcycle taxis…
Every year, I do most of my Christmas shopping online via Lazada during the 12-12 annual sale. And this year is no different. Why? A couple of reasons actually. First,…
The Philippines has a very big unbanked and uncarded population. Especially those that are located in the provinces. Just getting an atm card or being able to withdraw funds is…
Fashionably chic yet very friendly prices is what you can call the new line of bags coming out from Secosana and designed by Alex Gonzaga. “We wanted the brand to…
Everyday you are alive is a moment to celebrate. Time spent with your family are special #MomentstoCelebrate and RedDoorz is here to help everyone have more moments to celebrate. And…